Depression during pregnancy: symptoms and prevention

Updated 2 years ago on April 05, 2023

Nature has created all the conditions for a successful pregnancy, but the human brain has predetermined a lot of problems and obstacles. The frantic rhythm of everyday life has made its own "adjustments" to the physiological process of pregnancy in the form of social norms and foundations, women's status and moral aspects. Despite the strongest pressure from the outside, the pregnant woman in her new role becomes a hostage, above all, of her own experiences. How else could it be? After the birth of a baby you can forget about the old life, a person will come into the world, completely dependent on you. Radical changes require a young mother's moral readiness, tolerance, the ability to adapt to the new role.

Depression does not always occur in women during pregnancy - it is the exception rather than the rule.

The main causes of depression in pregnancy are distinguished:

  • conception was unplanned and entails tremendous changes for which the woman is not prepared;
  • domestic and housing problems;
  • lack of a financial base (for example, the mother-to-be does not have a permanent job);
  • negative attitude of relatives and husband to the "addition to the family"; debilitating toxicosis;
  • circumstances of a physiological and psychosocial nature;
  • the experience of losing a loved one, a job, etc;
  • endogenous factors (internal changes in the body);
  • long-term use of medications (sedatives, hypnotics, etc.);
  • hormonal changes;
  • past failures to have children (miscarriage, abortion, frozen pregnancy, etc.)
  • increased fatigue and weakness.

Symptoms of depression in pregnancy

Anxiety about your physical condition and the impending birth are considered signs of depression during pregnancy. Mood swings and excessive tearfulness lead to sleep disorders and the inability to wake up in the morning. As a result, there are serious problems with the well-being of the expectant mother.

The following symptoms of depression in pregnancy are distinguished:

  • irritability;
  • rapid fatigue, a feeling of constant fatigue;
  • An acute feeling of hunger or lack of appetite;
  • chronic sadness;
  • lack of joy and pleasure in life;
  • no desire to communicate with anyone;
  • low self-esteem;
  • feelings of guilt and lack of self-confidence;
  • apathy;
  • Persistent drowsiness;
  • Mistrustfulness and anxiety about anything;
  • Increased sensitivity and tearfulness.

It can manifest itself differently in different periods of pregnancy.

At the beginning of pregnancy:

  • In the first trimester depression begins, and the so-called period of denial, when the baby is already growing, but the expectant mother does not yet think about her situation and does not take it into account during her normal daily activities.
  • She may plan business trips or travel for a long time ahead. But this is the time when a woman's body begins to rebuild.
  • All body systems are changing and adjusting to a higher workload. During this period of time, depression in pregnant women may arise due to the inability to pursue favorite hobbies or due to the abandonment of habits that are inseparable from normal life.

In the early stages of pregnancy:

  • In the early stages of pregnancy, changes in the emotional background begin to manifest themselves. A woman becomes more irritable and nervous. These phenomena are also considered an indirect sign of the onset of pregnancy. But with small changes in the emotional background, you should not immediately suspect depression if they are of an unremitting nature.

At the end of pregnancy:

  • The closer the time of childbirth, the more a woman can be depressed because of pressure from both the outside world and from internal dilemmas about the loss of her usual way of life.
  • The causes of depression at this time are hormonal changes, misunderstandings from loved ones, financial problems, and insomnia.
  • It is also at this time that a woman's appearance greatly changes. She gets better, she feels heavy legs and lower back pain, she goes to the bathroom more often, her breasts are engorged - all these become reasons for the appearance of negative thoughts.
  • Various kinds of hobbies help to overcome depression at such a time - drawing, learning foreign languages, doing handicrafts.


Depression during pregnancy can be diagnosed based on the symptoms that occur. A woman should have negative feelings all day long for two weeks or more. A woman may also lose interest in daily activities for a long period of time (at least two weeks).

Pregnancy requires, above all, emotional support from relatives and a loving spouse. Experts have proven that depression during pregnancy develops in those women who are often criticized in the family and face a wall of incomprehension. It is important for the expectant mother to have her fears and worries listened to by those closest to her, who will help her to feel positive emotions and regain the joy of life.

An expectant mother should understand that depression and neurosis during pregnancy is a common occurrence and should not be feared, it is important to adequately perceive your condition and seek medical help if necessary.


For prevention, a pregnant woman needs to pay a lot of attention to herself:

  • to have a good rest;
  • eat right;
  • get enough sleep;
  • to take care of myself;
  • find a hobby;
  • communicate with friends and like-minded women;
  • Take a daily walk in the fresh air;
  • think positively and be optimistic;
  • to go on maternity leave in time.

It is IMPORTANT not to self-medicate and not to take medications yourself, because they can harm the unborn child.

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