How do you recognize depression?

Updated 2 years ago on April 03, 2023

Bad moods, depression, pessimism, lack of interest in life and hobbies - such signs can signal the development of a depressive disorder. According to WHO, more than 300 million people around the world face this disease. Let us tell you in this article how not to confuse your condition with temporary apathy or a sudden rush of sadness and recognize depression at an early stage.


Depression is a psycho-emotional state characterized by low mood, slowed thinking, passivity, and general motor lethargy. It affects both our physiology and psyche. The person becomes indifferent to everything that occurs around him, whether it is joyful or sad events. In general medical practice, it is not always easy to make an immediate diagnosis of depression - sometimes typical symptoms may be absent at all or masked by other, less common ones.

The International Classification of Diseases specifically outlines the criteria for depression and divides it into two groups - basic and additional symptoms.

Main symptoms:

  • depressed mood almost daily and most of the day regardless of the situation;

  • loss of interest and the ability to experience pleasure - anhedonia;

  • decreased energy, performance, and increased fatigue.

Additional symptoms:

  • decreased concentration, difficulty in concentrating;

  • sleep disorders;

  • disorder of appetite (increased or complete absence);

  • loss of libido;

  • a bleak, pessimistic vision of the future;

  • a decrease in self-esteem and self-confidence;

  • ideas of guilt, self-abasement;

  • Suicidal thoughts, intentions or attempts.

In a mild degree of depression, a single symptom may dominate the clinical picture: increased fatigability, decreased energy, impaired sleep or appetite. Depressive manifestations are masked by anxious, painful, vegetative complaints, which is especially characteristic of the elderly. A minimal decrease in social functioning is observed.

For depression of moderate severity, two main symptoms and three or four additional symptoms should be present. In this case, difficulties in social and professional functioning are already clearly defined.

In severe depression, all three main symptoms are quite pronounced. Important: In case of suicidal thoughts, and even more so, attempts, consultation and treatment by a psychiatrist is mandatory!

Depression is more than just being sad or in a bad mood. People facing the problem are not able to "pull themselves together" and get better overnight. Without the right treatment, symptoms can be observed for months or years, and the mild degree of depression eventually develops into severe depression. As a result, a person's quality of life is severely diminished. To take the first step toward recovery, it is sufficient to analyze your condition, identify particularly alarming symptoms, and contact a specialist.


What exactly can cause a depressive disorder? Usually two types of factors are distinguished:

  1. Biological (organic) - hereditary predisposition, somatic diseases, brain lesions, hormonal disorders.

  2. Psychosocial - failures in career or personal life, internal conflicts, financial difficulties, loss of a loved one, and so on.

Chronic stress, a lot of negative situations, health problems - the combination of these factors often leads to depression.

Statistically, women have a higher risk of developing depressive disorders than men: 5.1% compared to 3.4%.

There are several reasons:

  • a greater degree of exposure to stress, an increased reaction to it;

  • Increased levels of monoamine oxidase, an enzyme that destroys the "happiness hormones": serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine;

  • thyroid dysfunction;

  • Hormonal changes affecting the female body: pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause, menstrual disorders.

The statistics are also affected by the fact that men tend to hide their emotions from others, considering such behavior a manifestation of weakness. Therefore, it is even more difficult to recognize the disease in them. As a result, depression often takes the form of anger, irritability, a passion for alcohol or extreme sports. The depressed state also affects physical health, and in men the cardiovascular system suffers the most.


Only a psychiatrist can make a diagnosis of depression after a detailed examination, interview, and collection of the patient's medical history. The diagnosis of depressive disorders is based primarily on identifying the main symptoms during the doctor's discussion with the patient and his relatives. During the examination, it is important to find out whether there are no disorders in the nervous or endocrine system. Psycho-emotional disorder often develops against the background of related diseases. The doctor should also rule out excessive use of alcohol or other psychoactive substances.

The treatment process is quite lengthy. It includes:

  • medication therapy;

  • psychotherapy;

  • introduction of a psychosocial regime for the day.

Depending on the causes and severity of depression, the method of treatment and recovery time can vary. Mild to moderate degrees are usually treated successfully with a combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy techniques. In cases of very severe depression, hospitalization may sometimes be necessary.

It is extremely dangerous to engage in self-medication, which can not only make the problem worse, but also lead to irreversible, often fatal consequences.

The help and support of family members is very important when dealing with depression. If you or your loved one suffers from depressive disorder, make an appointment to see a doctor at the clinic. An experienced doctor will be able to diagnose the illness in time and prescribe medication and psychotherapy. Do not hesitate to seek medical help, because any disease is much easier and faster to cure at the initial stage.

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