How to reduce anxiety?

Updated 2 years ago on April 03, 2023

Anxiety can be caused by the rapid pace of life, worries about the future, and endless messenger alerts. Anxiety over insignificant things leads to mental disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize these states and learn to manage them independently. T&R tell you what may be the cause of anxiety and how to get out of it.

Why are we anxious?

In order to get out of an uncomfortable state, it is first necessary to understand what characterizes it, what is happening to the person at that moment, and what its causes are. We are not talking about a particular emotion, such as excitement before a speech or an important conversation, but about a condition. One cannot get out of it in two minutes by taking a deep breath and exhaling. It must be worked through on a psychological level. More often than not, anxiety is associated with cognitive attitudes that we create ourselves.

Anxiety is an active aroused state, unlike depression, during which there is no counteraction to stress

Researchers Larry Hjell and Daniel Ziegler in their book "Personality Theory" said that anxiety is a normal reaction, it allows a person to react and adapt in a dangerous situation. American psychologist Charles Spielberger distinguishes two forms of anxiety: as a state and as a property. In the first case, it is a temporary reaction to external circumstances, in the second - a character trait, a person constantly reacts sharply to even minor disturbances.

Russian psychologist Evgeny Ilyin, in his book Psychophysiology of Human States, defines anxiety as predicting failure in a state of uncertainty. More often than not, this state is caused by experiencing and contemplating negative scenarios for the future. However, it is possible to use this for good and not just worry about failure, but to think through and make a plan of action that you will take in this case.

It is normal to feel anxiety about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking a test. This type of anxiety can motivate you to work harder. Normal anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes, but does not interfere with your daily life.

In the case of an anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear may be with you all the time. This type of anxiety can make you stop doing things you enjoy. In extreme cases, it may prevent you from entering the elevator, crossing the street, or even leaving your home.

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disturbance and can affect anyone at any age. According to the American Psychiatric Association, women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety disorders.

Clinical psychologist Michael Tomek

Treatment of generalized anxiety disorder requires psychotherapy and taking medications. GAD can be accompanied by a depressive state. If for several months you notice frequent excessive anxiety for small reasons, which is beyond your control and causes a physical reaction (for example, frequent heartbeat, cramps, muscle cramps), it is necessary to see a specialist. Temporary anxiety can be managed on your own.

Anxiety cannot be ignored, psychologist Michael Tomek believes. More often than not, the cause is thoughts about the future. If you imagine a negative scenario - think about how you will act in such a situation, which will help you to solve the problem. So you'll understand that you can cope with the possible difficulties, and therefore there is no reason to worry.

According to Stoic philosophy, all phenomena in the world are divided into those that are controllable and those that are beyond human control. The Stoics believe that it is pointless to worry about things beyond our control and that it is better to direct all our energies and attention to the things we control. "Of the things that exist, some are in our power, others are not. In our power are opinion, striving, desire, evasion-in a word, everything that is ours," states Epictetus in A Short Guide to the Moral Life

Experts of the American Anxiety and Depression Association (ADAA) claim that physical activity helps a person reduce anxiety. While exercising, you are focused on your physical state and all resources are devoted to maintaining it. One workout can help alleviate symptoms for a few hours, and regular exercise can significantly reduce them over time.

Frequent use of gadgets can be one of the factors of an anxious state. You are stressed if there are constant alerts on your phone. Leave only the most important ones - other chats, news resources can simply be checked periodically.

If anxiety doesn't allow you to do your usual activities, challenge your brain. It can be an exercise in physics, math, or a game of chess. You can count backwards in your mind, add and multiply random numbers.

If math problems are less interesting to you, then paint or play music. The main thing is to shift your attention to the solution of a particular problem and direct all other resources to it.

Researchers at Stanford University have found a connection between breathing and our emotional state: the shallower we breathe, the higher the level of anxiety and worry. Therefore, deep breathing practices should be performed periodically.

Simple breathing exercises:

  • Breathe in and out deeply in four counts for two minutes. Engage diaphragmatic breathing, which activates the entire body.

  • Inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 8 and exhale through your mouth for 16.

  • Clasp the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril, close both nostrils and hold your breath. Breathe out through the right nostril.

Describe what you are feeling and explain the reason for your anxiety. When you reread this entry a few hours later, you will look at the situation from a different perspective, as if it were not happening to you. In this state, you may come up with new ideas and ways to solve problems.

Anxiety can arise from the constant rush and the thought that you are not getting anything done. Intense work schedules and multi-tasking can increase your anxiety level. Accordingly, it is necessary to allow yourself to rest, and to take short breaks during the working day. In this way, you can also strike a balance between work and your personal life.

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